CA Sen. Scott Weiner Introduces New Legislation To End HIV, STIs

(Photo: Scott Wiener)

California state senator Scott Wiener is introducing a new legislation today requiring the state’s health agency to develop and implement a statewide plan on fighting HIV, hep C, and other STIs, reports David Artavia at the Advocate.

The legislation, SB 859, will require the Secretary of California Health and Human Services and the Chief of the Office of AIDS to work with agencies across the state to set attainable targets for ending STIs. Of course, that includes identifying recommended programs, policies, strategies, and funding for achieving these goals.

The bill — which is sponsored by San Francisco AIDS Foundation, APLA Health, and Essential Access Health — will require the HHS and OA to build a Stakeholder Advisory Committee to help facilitate their efforts. Both agencies will need to submit a report to Governor Gavin Newsom and the state legislature by October 1. They will also be instructed to provide annual updates through 2030, reports the Advocate.

If passed, California will be the first state in the nation to develop a comprehensive strategy to address the rates of HIV, hep C, and STIs.


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