Gay Man DENIED Asylum For Not Knowing The Meaning Of The Rainbow Pride Flag’s Six Colors

LGBTQ asylum-seekers in Europe are subjected to stereotyping and humiliation, according to a report by NBC News.

Navid Jafartash fled Iran in 2014 because he feared for his life: He is gay, and homosexuality is illegal in Iran and in some cases punishable by death. He went to Vienna, where he spent several years and had established a life for himself until his asylum-seeking journey hit a roadblock this year, reports NBC News.

Jafartash had his asylum application rejected in June after he failed to explain to Austrian officials the meaning of the rainbow pride flag’s six colors.

With the help Queer Base, an Austrian group working with LGBTQ asylum-seekers, Jafartash was able to appeal his rejection and was officially granted asylum in August. However, such rejections are not uncommon for LGBTQ asylum-seekers in Europe.


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