Dark Angel

An interview with L.A. Leather Pride Committee Chairman Gabriel Green on Los Angeles Leather Pride, coming up next month.


Hello Gabriel. For readers who are new to the Leather/Kink/Fetish scene—can you say a few words about Los Angeles Leather Pride?

Los Angeles Leather Pride (LALP) is a week-long celebration for everyone who is a part of the leather, fetish and kink scenes and those looking to explore them. It is also comprised of a series of events leading up to the annual Mr. Los Angeles Leather Contest and the Off Sunset Festival.

The event was postponed for the past two years due to Covid—how has that affected the contestants and the LALC staff?

I would say it was hard on everyone at first. We all were so excited gearing up to launch the event and give the contestants their moment, but Covid hit and everything had to be postponed. As the Chair of LALP, it was especially hard because we at the LALC had worked so hard putting everything together and we were almost at the finish line, only to have put everything on hold, wait for the pandemic to pass and we didn’t know when that was going to be. But we did make the wise decision to wait to host the event until things became safer.  I think one of the best things to come out of this is that both LALC and the Contestants, whom I’m extremely proud of, found ways to help the community get through the pandemic. Our contestants did various things, like hosting events online to bring people together and let them know they weren’t alone.  And we at the LALC formed CAReS (Community Assistance Resources Services) as a way to help our members who were struggling mentally, needed food or supplies delivered to them or needed some temporary financial assistance. So even though Covid prevented a lot of things from happening, it also inspired a lot of great things that gave strength and hope to our community, not only from our organization and contestants, but from other groups and individuals that are a part of our community as well. 

What changes—if any—will take place during this year’s events?

The only major changes are that we, of course, are following CDC guidelines and the LA City and County policies regarding COVID-19. We are requiring that everyone who attends our events throughout the week is fully vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination and ID.  We want to make sure LA Leather Pride is as safe as possible for everyone attending.

This year’s event is titled Dark Angel. What is the meaning behind that title?

There are a few meanings behind Dark Angel. The first is that Los Ángeles is the City of Angels. Angels, according to various beliefs, are guides, warriors, messengers, healers and protectors of humanity. 

The reason for Dark is because the LGBTQ+ leather and kink community is often seen as dark and mysterious. To have any sort of kink or fetish is often looked by larger society as taboo or something shameful, not to be expressed or shared. Dark doesn’t always mean evil. It can mean hidden and the parts of ourselves that we don’t show everyone that only a few select people get to see. 

The members of our community are these Dark Angels. They help those who want to explore their kinks and fetishes to realize that there is nothing to be ashamed of. They also encourage everyone to celebrate them and bring them to light so they can live free, happy and uninhibited lives. 

More importantly though, on a figurative level, an angel is that person who lets you know that you are not alone, comforts you and reminds you that no matter how tough times may be, that you can get through anything. We all have been through one of the toughest times in our lives and we are still struggling to get through them. I think this year’s theme is even more meaningful because the best gift you can give right now is to be someone’s angel.

LA Leather Pride takes place March 20-27, 2022. For information about the various events, tickets and updates go to laleatherpride.com

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