A Message From Tom of Finland Foundation
“We want to take a moment and send a special, heartfelt THANK YOU to members who have recently renewed their Memberships,” the President and Cofounder of the Tom of Finland Foundation, Durk Dehner wrote in a press release last month.
“With everything going on we understand that people are struggling. So recent membership donation support deeply touches us and inspires us to continue to do what we do: Protect, preserve, and promote the erotic arts! We feel your love! These renewals remind us just how much Membership is the lifeblood of the Foundation. Thank you again.”
“2020 is Tom of Finland’s Centennial birth year—#TOM100 Many exhibitions across the globe were planned to celebrate Tom’s year. Alas, things have changed,” wrote Dehner.
“But not all is lost. We here at TOM House do not rest. We soldier on. We are creative! Erotic art is as important now as it has ever been. It reflects who we are and helps perpetuate our own culture. We are part of this ongoing endeavor.”
“In our communications and our website [www.tomoffinland.org], you have the opportunity to explore and watch online various presentations created by the Foundation, in collaboration with other organizations… These experiences remind us of the joy of physically coming together and appreciating erotic art and each other. Just because we are physically distancing now doesn’t mean we can’t collectively continue to savor exciting, liberating, sexy art. So, we are working on content for all of you around the world to enjoy…”
“We miss seeing you, our Tom of Finland loving community, our members, and erotic artists around the world. But we know that we will see you again soon.”
For more info visit: www.tomoffinland.org.