A Letter From The Chairman, Randy Carmenaty.
Somehow, I often find myself standing in the right place at the right time to enjoy both the challenge and the benefit of something bigger than oneself that fate washes my way.
This Palm Springs Leather Pride marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of Mr. Palm Springs Leather and Leather Pride, a monumental feat of which I had little to do with when I think of the 1000s of volunteers and attendees who over the years made this possible, and yet here I am—enjoying the challenges and benefits of being the chairman of the weekend that we proudly celebrate this most significant milestone.
I claim no credit for the rich history of the Palm Springs Leather Pride or Palm Springs Leather Order of the Desert (PSLOD), but I get to be the one who stands at the helm and accepts the congratulations as we coast past this landmark and continue our journey in a sea of service to our community first and foremost. In a way, that coincidence is symptomatic of the reason that I, and many others, decided to join PSLOD in the first place.
Thanks to thousands of attendees over its 25-year span, the members of PSLOD have been given the privilege to be of service to others who have more unmet needs and fewer resources than we do. We have been able to provide necessary assistance to those in need. Through last year alone PSLOD has raised over $350,000 for local charities and last year we established an annual college scholarship for accomplished students in need of financial assistance.
PSLOD is a group of like-minded people dedicated to service above self, to make a bigger difference than one can make alone. In the process, we get the added benefit of fellowship with people who believe in honor, goodwill, mutual respect and the expression of one’s right to sexual freedom.
I take no credit for any of contributions that PSLOD and its many honorable members, both past and present, have made to our community, and there have been many—but rather I thank all of those who have preceded me and all of you who join me today in helping to keep the opportunity of service above self for others whose pursuit of happiness would be less fulfilled were it not for PSLOD.
For 25 years, PSLOD has produced one of the premier annual leather events in the country, hosting thousands of people from every corner of the planet and in the process of having more fun than we could ever have imagined all the while raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to distribute to worthwhile causes and organizations. Each year like the one before a group of men competes for the title of Mr. Palm Springs Leather and while only one is given the title it is a title shared by every attendee, volunteer, and member, for all have played a unique role in its 25-year history. For that, I will tirelessly be grateful to all our attendees, volunteers, and members long after each leather pride weekend ends.
It is an envious history and a daunting challenge to live up to the legacy that our founding members left us. It will take all of the imagination, dedication, commitment, and effort we can muster to forge ahead and continue to raise the bar year after year and earn your visit to Palm Springs and the privilege to be your host.
I invite you today—every one of you—to make this day the first day in another 25 years of a very rich and rewarding history and welcome you to Palm Springs Leather Pride XXV.
Randy Carmenaty
Chairman and Producer of Palm Springs Leather Pride