Ciara Minaj Carter, 32; a Black transgender woman was found murdered this month. Ms. Carter, originally from Minnesota, was living in the Garfield Park area of Chicago. Her naked body was found with multiple stab wounds and her genitalia had been severed from her body.
Neighbors reported hearing an argument coming from her apartment in the early hours of the morning. A neighbor discovered her in the back alley of the apartment complex and alerted the authorities. At this time, the identity of the person she was arguing with inside the apartment is not known. Her devastated family was supportive of her and have reported that they have been searching for her over the last 5 weeks.
The Trans Visibility March on D.C. has to happen! 22 innocent trans people have been murdered in 2018 alone. Perpetrators are rarely held accountable, and justice is scarce in these cases. We march for justice for all of our siblings whose innocent lives were stolen. We march to honor their memories..
We urge you MARCH WITH US on March 31, 2019 and April 1, 2019 as we mobilize in solidarity in support of equal rights and inclusion for our community. March with us to demand justice for our siblings whose lives have been taken through senseless murders. March with us to demand financial equity and employment opportunities. March with us to fight for health equity. March with us to demand our inclusion in the US Census. March with us to show the world that our lives matter, that our health matters, that our present and future matters, that our voices matter, that our minds matter, that our feelings matter. March with us to show the world that no decisions are made about us, without us.
For More Information Gabriel Uhuru, Director of Media
Email: media@transmarchdc.org