Brad Nitz partners with Oliver Alpuche and opens KISO, a new gay bar in downtown Los Angeles BY MARK ARIEL | PHOTO BY ZIV SADE As many of you already know Oliver Alpuche’s Redline—the Downtown LA gay bay that hosted Read more
Brad Nitz partners with Oliver Alpuche and opens KISO, a new gay bar in downtown Los Angeles BY MARK ARIEL | PHOTO BY ZIV SADE As many of you already know Oliver Alpuche’s Redline—the Downtown LA gay bay that hosted Read more
St. Mary’s CARE Center in Long Beach provides comprehensive care to LGBTQ+ community members After 10 years of planning, St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach recently unveiled its renovated CARE Center. The CARE Center provides comprehensive care to LGBTQ+ Read more
A liberated Tom Goss on his new single and music video BY VICTOR MELAMED Tom Goss is publicly and comically washing his hands in “Not My Problem,” the second single from his ninth studio album, Remember What It Feels Like. Read more
Sacramento declares itself a sanctuary city for transgender people The Sacramento City Council voted unanimously last month to approve a resolution declaring the California capital a sanctuary for transgender people, reports The Hill. The resolution, which went into effect immediately, Read more
The Thai House of Representatives voted 400-10 to legalize same-sex marriage. The bill will go to the senate and presumably get signed by the king. SOMETIMES, IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS I have a long list of possible stories this month, Read more