Another politician has come out as gay, reports People.
“There – I said it; or rather, wrote it. Those two words took me almost four decades to utter, but as they say, ‘Better late than never,’ ” Ottowa Mayor Jim Watson wrote in an op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen that was published on Saturday.
Watson, who was elected to Canada’s Ottawa City Council when he was 30, explained that for most of his public life his “sexuality was not an issue,” however, “in hindsight, not coming out sooner was a big mistake.”
The 58-year-old mayor also announced the news on Twitter, urging his residents and fans to read his op-ed, adding the hashtag #Pride.
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau responded to Watson’s announcement on Twitter, commending his courage.
“Brave words that I’m sure will inspire Ottawans – and all Canadians – to feel free to be themselves,” Trudeau tweeted. “Thank you for sharing your story with us, Jim.”