Greg Wilson interviews the West Coast Mother of Gorgeous Gucci, The Icon Mother Devine. The House of Gorgeous Gucci are performing at DTLA Proud this month
First, a bit of history.
A House is a created family structure created for individuals in an environment that is not normally supportive of one’s life and/or sexuality. The Ballroom Community is a sub-culture (established in the late 60s, early 70s) that is present within an already disenfranchised community. Some aspects of the culture can be traced back to the 1920’s Harlem Renaissance.
For some, The House & Ballroom community is affirming, allowing a person to be who they are, and with the created categories, it allows a person to find a place to fit in. With the competition aspect of it, it can build esteem and something to strive for. Some, but not all, houses compete against each other for extracurricular pleasures at a Ball.
This month’s cover feature is of the Overall West Coast Mother of Gorgeous Gucci, The Icon Mother Devine Gorgeous Gucci, (Categories: Icon Fem Queen Realness; Runway; Performance), who was first Introduced to Ballroom in 1997. She and some of the West Coast Members of The House of Gorgeous Gucci came to storm the set and remind us why they are known to be “Simply Gorgeous.”
“What Makes the House of Gorgeous Gucci the premiere choice for me is being around people I considered family for years and they are still formidable on the runway. I became a Gorgeous Gucci because I had been around them for years, even before joining, and it is one of the best choices I’ve made,” says Mother Devine.
The House of Gorgeous Gucci opened October 10, 2019, and was founded by Icon Jack Mizrahi Gorgeous Gucci; Marlon Gorgeous Gucci, Kelly Gorgeous Gucci and Tracee Gorgeous Gucci.
“A lot of people don’t realize that the House of Gorgeous Gucci is comprised of houses that were competitors in the past and we all brought the best of the best together and here we are. The House of Gorgeous Gucci is continuing to be innovative and leading in spaces that ballroom has never been. Creating new opportunities and platforms. We want to continue opening doors and building a better ballroom for all,” states Mother Devine.
Ballroom plays such an important part of many people’s lives. When Devine was asked what Ballroom meant to her, she shared “Ballroom for me is being able to be in a safe space with people who are just like me and that understand my journey and can respect my talent.”
Devine naturally shows pride in her nurturing and guidance for her house Family and Children. “It’s important for me to be open and consistent with my Children. I talk them through their difficult times and also celebrate with them when there are victories. I am their example and I am always honest and real with them.
I want to set them up for success, and prepare them with what they may need when having to face the world or when getting on that floor to battle.”
When I asked Icon Mother “what’s next,” she simply replied, “I am proud to be able to stand alongside the House of Gorgeous Gucci and be the Standard. My House contributes to the growth and enhancement of Ballroom by continuing to bring in fresh new talent from all around the world and to the forefront… We continue to receive support from organizations such as In The Mean Time Men’s Group, who is the sponsor of the West Coast Awards Ball and DTLA Proud. Additionally, we maintain the dignity of true leadership and empower the leaders of the next generation to step up and take the lead.”
Quotes from featured West Coast Members of the House of Gorgeous Gucci

(Categories: Legendary Sex Siren; Perfect 10s)
“Ballroom is important to me because of the relationships, family and the people I grew up with in Ballroom. I’ve been walking balls since I was 15 years old. It’s a part of who I am”.

(Categories: Legendary Pretty Boy Realness)
“Being a Gorgeous Gucci has been Empowering for me. My house has embraced me for who I am and have nurtured my talents and passion. I feel Seen and Understood”.

(Categories: Icon Thug Realness; Everyday Realness)
“After being a part of Ballroom for over 25 years, as an Icon, it’s important for me to be able to speak up for the people that may not have found their voices yet”

(Categories: Legendary Sex Siren; Perfect 10s)
“Ballroom to me means Courage. It’s about being more of who I am and to stop allowing my light to be dimmed. Being a Gorgeous Gucci embodies that and being a part of the house has encouraged me to embrace my individuality”.

(Categories: Fem Queen Face; Realness; Perfect 10’s)
“Ballroom means everything to me! I am the 1st Australian Gorgeous Gucci in history, and I take that very seriously. Being a part of the house just feels like a perfect fit.”

(Category: Face)
“Ballroom is a place where you can become exactly who you imagine yourself to be, and being in the House of Gorgeous Gucci taught me to amplify it and own it!”

(Categories: Runway; Performance)
“Ballroom gives me a space to be myself, make friends, extended family and give me a place where I feel I belong and where I can fully express myself without judgement.”

(Category: Fem Queen Performance)
“Ballroom to me represents Passion, Art and Creativity. I was looking for a Family, and Gorgeous Gucci embraced me, welcomed me and with my house… I know I am Home”