Liam Broady Wears Rainbow Laces At Australian Open To Support LGBTQ Players

Liam Broady, Photo By David Iliff

Liam Broady, a player from Britain, doesn’t know why there are no openly gay men’s pro tennis players, but he decided to use his playing time at the Australian Open to show his support for LGBTQ people in sports by wearing Rainbow Laces during a match, reports Outsports.

“I just kind of wanted to send the support,” Broady said, according to SkySport, when asked about wearing the laces, a fixture in English soccer that has spread as a sign of inclusion in other sports.

“The LGBTQ community, I mean, a lot of those guys have given me a lot of support throughout my career and have been there since day one, so I kind of wanted to give a thank you in my own sort of way,” he said.


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