(Photo: Bennett Bressman)
Nebraska GOP Governor Pete Ricketts‘ re-election campaign statewide field director Bennett Bressman reportedly has made thousands of posts on Discord, a social media platform popular with the alt-right, reports Raw Story.
Among his remarks are a “shocking trove” of homophobic, racist, and anti-Semitic remarks, as Talking Points Memo reports.
Ricketts on Monday said he was “shocked and horrified” this key member of his re-election team held such offensive beliefs.
“The posts by Bressman, as reported by the website Anti-Fascist Nebraska, joked about the Holocaust and turning Israel into ‘a crater,’ as well as posts that stated ‘gays are scum of the earth’ and that he ‘probably would’ drive his car into a Black Lives Matter crowd for the ‘lulz’ (laughs),” the Omaha World Herald reports.
“Make journalists afraid again,” Bressman also said, adding that his “whole political ideology revolves around harming journalists.”