Brian Atchley
Being Matter by Brian Atchley is currently on view at Matter Studio Gallery in Los Angeles

Artist Brian Atchley fell into painting when he discovered an abandoned canvas in a Chicago dumpster. He is an autodidact by choice, because he loves the process of learning through doing, rather than through prescriptive art classes.
Currently, his work is focused on monochromatic studies of the human form as seen in his new solo exhibition Being Matter by Brian Atchley, currently on view in Los Angeles at Matter Studio Gallery. His use of black and white is used to punctuate the harmonious juxtaposition between the strength and vulnerability, the hardness and the softness of the human body, and the profound effect light and shadow have in accentuating its elegant form.
“As I paint my intention is not to put bodies onto a canvas, but to let them emerge from it. Starting from total darkness, I slowly bring them to light – enough so that you can begin to see their shapes and contours but allowing them to still remain partially hidden. It is what we do not see that keeps us searching for more,” states the artist.
Atchley received a Bachelor of Arts & Sciences from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles.
To schedule a viewing appointment please visit MATTERSTUDIOGALLERY.COM.
Masks and social distancing guidelines are required at all times in the gallery.
For more on Brian Atchley—visit www.batchley.com. IG: @batchleyar