In an effort to build a more inclusive environment towards gender diverse populations, the City of West Hollywood, the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the Los Angeles LGBTQ Chamber of Commerce, and Trans Can Work, the nation’s largest transgender employment program, are partnering to conduct an unprecedented transgender education and talent acquisition campaign designed to raise awareness and diversity among West Hollywood’s workforce.
Beginning in March, any organization operating in West Hollywood will have the opportunity to participate in a series of gender inclusion trainings conducted by Trans Can Work’s Vice President of Programming – Drian Juarez. The lunch and learn sessions will have a run time of 90 minutes and will cover critical information relating to the changing workforce, inclusive culture, and workplace rights for gender diverse populations.
Following the workshops, participating organizations will have the opportunity to be certified a ‘Welcoming Establishment’ as well recruit new talent from Trans Can Work’s Economic Empowerment Program. The landscape for LGBTQ inclusion is changing every day. In the US, an estimated 1.4 million adults identify as transgender. However when thinking about younger generations, a recent study by UCLA’s Williams Institute discovered that 6.1% of youth identify as ‘strongly gender variant’ while a total of 27% were on a gender spectrum. With the rise of gender diversity among our youth, it is only a matter of time before our communities change as will our workforce.
For organizations interested in preparing for the changing workforce, Workplace Gender Diversity Inclusions trainings will be offered in the West Hollywood City Council Chambers on March 5th, May 21st, July 30th, and September 24th from 12pm – 2pm. Optional networking and consultation will be available from 11-12.
Register: Tel: 323-570-2237
Trans Can Work is a Los Angeles based nonprofit committed to empowering gender diverse communities through career navigation, workforce development, and job placement in inclusive organizations. In 2019, Trans Can Work served over 2000 gender diverse jobs seekers, worked with over 400 organizations, and helped connect hundreds to employment.
TCW’s training sessions are meticulously planned by the leadership team and designed to meet the learning objectives of businesses. To insure the highest quality educational experience, TCW utilizes a combination of engagement, story telling, and presentation when discussing complicated subject matter. Building inclusive workplaces is important work and TCW helps people get there by providing an experience that is enlightening, informative, and memorable.