This summer, Orange County will lace up its collective walking shoes for the 33rd Annual AIDS Walk OC, hosted by Radiant Health Centers on Saturday, June 1, at the Huntington Beach Boardwalk.
AIDS Walk OC is one of the oldest AIDS walks in the country and makes an immediate impact in the lives of those living with HIV/AIDS. In the last 8 years alone, AIDS Walk OC has raised more than $3 million to provide critically needed care for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS.
“When you support AIDS Walk OC you are supporting programs that directly change the lives of people living with HIV and those most vulnerable,” said Phil Yaeger, executive director and CEO, Radiant Health Centers. “We are tremendously grateful for those who walk and donate to this annual event.”
Today, there are nearly 7,000 people living with HIV in Orange County, many of whom are underinsured or without health insurance. Radiant Health Centers provides a safe, stigma-free environment where they can receive medical care and comprehensive social services.
Join us at this year’s Walk in support of our mission and follow us online through Facebook [2], Twitter [3] and Instagram [4] and by using the hashtag #AIDSWalkOC. Register to walk or donate at www.radianthealthcenters.org/awoc [1].
Saturday, June 1, 2019
– Registration: 8:30 a.m.
– Opening ceremony: 9 a.m.
– Walk begins: 9:30 a.m.
Huntington Beach Boardwalk
– Huntington Beach Street and Pacific Coast Highway,
Huntington Beach, Calif.
– Family-friendly 5K walk
– Fun Zone for kids and adults
– Entertainment by Orange County Gay Men’s Chorus, Men
Alive, Huntington Beach School of Rock and Ballet Folklorico Pasión Valparaiso
– Vendor booths
– Fun in the sun
Radiant Health Centers has provided more than three decades of exceptional care and support to people affected by HIV and their loved ones. It has been instrumental in driving down new HIV transmissions over the past 15 years; however, 300 people are still diagnosed with HIV each year in Orange County.
Radiant Health Centers encompasses traditional HIV testing and prevention outreach as well as long-standing services to Orange County’s HIV-positive community while also creating a safe space to help more members of our LGBT community in need of compassionate care.
Learn more at www.radianthealthcenters.org [5].