Vice President Mike Pence defended second lady Karen Pence’s decision to take a teaching job at a school that discriminates against LGBTQ individuals and families, suggesting that the uproar over it is an attack on Christianity, reports The Huffington Post.
During an interview with the Catholicism-focused Eternal World Television Network on Thursday, Pence said that the attacks on the Immanuel Christian School, which bans LGBTQ employees, students and families, were offensive to his family.
The interview comes just two days after HuffPost broke the news that Karen Pence accepted a job at the Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia. The school refuses to admit any students who participate in or condone homosexual or bisexual activity and included in its 2018 employment application a requirement that applicants pledge not to participate in or condone “homosexual activity,” or violate the “unique roles of male and female.”