Whacko GOP CA Congressman: It’s Okay To Refuse To Sell Your Home To Gays!

(Photo: Dana Rohrabacher)

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher told a group of realtors in Orange County, CA last week that homeowners should be able to refuse to sell their property to gays and lesbians, a statement that cost him the support of a key national Realtor group, reported The Orange County Register.

“Every homeowner should be able to make a decision not to sell their home to someone (if) they don’t agree with their lifestyle,” Rohrabacher told an Orange County Association of Realtors delegation at a May 16 meeting in Washington, D.C., according to Wayne Woodyard, a former Orange County Realtor president who was at the event.

The statement ignited a protest by a Realtor gay-rights group, prompting the National Association of Realtors to withdraw its recommendation that members send campaign contributions to Rohrabacher.



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