Gay Men Brutalized At Newport Beach Bar. WATCH!

Three gay men thrown out of a bar in an alleged gay bashing incident in Newport Beach, are suing the restaurant for discrimination reports Raw Story.

Los Angeles news station KTLA reported Friday that the incident, which took place on April 13 at the Balboa Inn restaurant and was partially captured on video, initially stemmed from a bartender believing the men had fake IDs.

 In their lawsuit, the men said they asked to speak to the manager — and were met with gay slurs from the bartender. They were then forcefully taken out of the bar by the bouncer, who they refer to as a “criminal thug.”

Angel Bonilla, one of the suit’s complainants, is seen being physically pushed out by the bouncer in the recording of the incident, and is left “writhing in pain” on the sidewalk outside the establishment.

In their lawsuit, the men allege the Balboa Inn’s bartender and bouncer have historically exhibited a “pattern of disrespectful and violent behavior towards gays and minorities,” reports Raw Story.


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