The world’s largest leather event is promoting harm reduction strategies.
Folsom Street Fair, taking place this month, will be rolling out an overarching message of “Make It a G-Free Weekend.”
“Over the last several years, we have seen increasing numbers of our party attendees suffer from drug overdoses, including GHB and GBL, in particular,” Executive Director Demetri Moshoyannis tells THE FIGHT.
“Ultimately,” states Moshoyannis, “we hope that more of our patrons understand that we share a communal sense of responsibility… If anything, maybe folks who are decidedly going to use party drugs should take more of a ‘less is more’ approach for Magnitude.”
In advance of Magnitude, (taking place September 24, 9am—September 25, 4am) Folsom Street will be sending out emails addressing this issue, discouraging drug use entirely, and encouraging more measured use, reveals Moshoyannis.
“Like last year, we will have pat-downs at the entry, and we have a strict ‘no liquids’ policy for our play space,” reveals Moshoyannis.
“We are going to share these messages on our Magnitude webpage and on social media. There will be some critical messages shared at the club, too. The messages will include who to look for if you feel ill or if a friend needs medical attention (we will have Rock Med volunteers on site) and what NOT to mix together if you want to stay safe (e.g., GHB and alcohol). We will also have on-site ambulance service for any issues requiring immediate attention.”
Folsom Street Fair takes place on Sunday, September 25, 2016, from 11am to 6pm, on Folsom St. from 8th to 13th Streets in San Francisco. For a complete listing of Folsom Street events visit